Ofsted Outstanding

British Values

Pupils at Avonwood Primary School are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.

We promote the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Our aims:

  • To enable pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • To enable pupils to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.
  • To encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
  • To enable pupils to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England.
  • To encourage tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling pupils to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures.
  • To encourage respect for other people.
  • To encourage respect for democracy.
  • To help pupils to understand that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law.
  • To help pupils understand that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
  • To help pupils to understand the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination.

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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