Ofsted Outstanding

Welcome to Year Two

Meet The Team

Welcome to the Year 2 staff team. We are a friendly team, determined to help your children have a fantastic year at Avonwood Primary School. Year Two is such an exciting year as the children develop their skills from Year One. This is their final year in Key Stage One and it is the point at which the children are formally assessed through SATs and ongoing teacher assessment. If you require any help or have any questions, please do not hesitate to chat to us at drop off / pick up or contact the school and one of us will respond.

Year Lead Mrs Millington
Deer Teacher Miss Rae
Otters Teacher Mrs Millington
Teaching Assistants Mrs Peckham, Mrs Sharp, Miss Langridge


Key Information

Year 2 Curriculum Overview: Click Here

Twitter: @AvonwoodYear2

In Year 2, we love seeing the children mature and develop across the curriculum adding to the skills and knowledge they learned in previous years.  We focus on deepening children’s understanding of the key concepts in reading, writing and maths.  In reading, we work on children's fluency, adding expression and tone to engage others.  We also develop children's reading comprehension, encouraging reading for understanding and reading for pleasure.  Children will begin to write at a greater length in different styles and genres. In mathematics, we build on our number knowledge and calculation skills to begin to learn multiple strategies to problem-solve. 

We offer many engaging and immersive opportunities for the children to learn about the world around them. These include hook days such as our ‘Airport Day’ and visiting The New Forest Wildlife Park. 

In addition, we explore a wide range of engaging topics in our foundation subjects such as finding out about the history of our local area through using our school grounds and Kings Park being ‘Mini Mappers’.  We investigate the question, ‘What do we know about the Great Fire of London and its impact?’ and learn about the habitats of different animals later in the year.  We find out if Tom manages to rescue his dad when reading The Great Explorer by Chris Judge and learn about some real explorers as well as so much more!

Year 2 is a very important year as it is the final year in Key Stage 1, so we help prepare the children ready for their move into Key Stage 2.

Year 2 Curriculum Information Evening - September 2022

Year 2 Timetable - A Typical Day

At Avonwood our mantra is ‘Every Minute Counts,’ so please help us by arriving promptly at 8:50am. Morning break is 10 minutes, and we have a one-hour lunch. As you can see from our timetable below our days are action packed and the children have a variety of learning that certainly keeps everyone busy.

Home Learning

Our home learning activities allow the children to consolidate and recall previous knowledge.  As this is the final year of Key Stage 1 you will notice our weekly home learning expectations increase to incorporate repetition style activities as it is proven to have a positive impact on learning.  The English and Maths activities allow the children to practise new skills they have recently learned.


Desirable, expected or optional




10 mins x 5 sessions a week



15 mins once per week

Maths or English


15 mins once per week

Reach for the stars


Once a week

Writing Challenge



Links to helpful websites 

Spelling common exception words

Authors reading aloud books

Revise number bonds, times tables, doubles and halves 

Book recommendations


Can my child bring a bag?

Please make sure your child has either a school book bag or a school backpack.

Does my child need a pencil case in Year 2?

Each table has a basket of resources that the children will need such as pencils and coloured pencils and rulers.

Does my child choose where they sit in class and who they work with?

During learning time we allocate learning partners, rotating these throughout the year. The children often sit with a learning partner rather than a chosen friend to help maximise learning.

Does my child have an opportunity to play during the day in Year 2?

In Year Two the learning becomes more focused however the children still participate in practical activities and investigations. We have a morning and lunchtime breaks where the children have an opportunity to play with their friends from the other Year Two class.

When do SATS take place in Year 2?

We continually assess progress throughout the year however the actual SATs test are taken in the spring.

Do all children sit SATs?

The expectation is that all children will sit the SAT papers unless there are exceptional circumstances. These cases are carefully considered by the Senior Leadership Team, in dialogue with parents.The final decision sits with the Headteacher.

Do we find out a result / score from SATs?

Parents can request to see their child’s scores/results by contacting the office once the levels have been reported to the DFE (Department for Education) in June. Children’s overall levels will be included in their end of year school report.

My child is anxious, how do you manage the SATs process?

Most children do not even realise that the SATs testing is taking place.

The children are familiar with their termly quizzes in reading / maths, so are very used to our assessment process. The children will be familiar with what the SATs papers look like as we study SAT questions throughout the year. Should your child become anxious please reassure your child they are nothing to worry about and speak to your child’s class teacher. 

What can I do to help prepare my child for SATs?

Reading is the key to success in all areas of learning so making sure you read with your child every night is the best preparation you can give your child. The home learning maths activities are also extremely helpful as they support our maths curriculum.

What trips and visits do we do in Year 2?

Year Two is the final year of Key Stage One and we like to mark this transition with a special celebration at the end of the year. We invite parents to attend an end of year tea party where children can share their books in the sunshine whilst enjoying a bite to eat! In the Spring term we will visit The New Forest Wildlife Park to link with out Science learning about animal habitats.

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