Ofsted Outstanding

Music Lessons

Peri lessons

Here at Avonwood, we are pleased to offer a wide variety of peripatetic instrument lessons (peri lessons) for children in Key Stage 2. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to expand their music knowledge and learn a life-long skill. Learning an instrument improves several everyday key skills for children. For example: patience, responsibility, self-esteem, increases memory capacity as well as embeds key maths skills.

Peri lessons take place during the regular school day so please be aware that your child may miss part of a lesson. Priority afternoon lessons are given to Year 6 to ensure no core learning is missed and timetables change termly to ensure a child is not continuously missing the same part of their day. Due to popular demand, some peri teachers run lessons through lunchtime, however, lessons will never take up all your child’s lunch break.

Lessons currently offered include:



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Mr T Cooper

Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone




Mrs K Bright





Would prefer individual lessons only.

Mr D Mayo

Guitar (acoustic, electric & bass), Ukulele




Mrs J Wright

Keyboard & Voice



Years 4, 5 & 6


We appreciate instrument lessons can be expensive so always aim to keep costs to a minimal. Currently, one individual music lesson costs £12 for 20 minutes (£120 for 10) and a shared lesson cost £6 for 20 minutes (£60 for 10).

We are very committed to making sure access to peri lessons is not something that is financially inhibitive, if you require support then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Phillips, Head of Music, (laura.phillips@avonwoodprimaryschool.org.uk) as we can help apply for grants to assist with the costs associated with these lessons. These grants can cover the cost of lessons and even include the hire of instruments to take home. More details about these grants and eligibility criteria can be found at:

Access Fund / Remissions - SoundStorm Music Education Agency (soundstorm-music.org.uk) 

Current Soundstorm eligibility requirements include one or more of the following:

  • Evidence of child in receipt of Free School Meals
  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not eligible for Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs, that does not exceed £16,190)
  • If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Working Tax Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more that £7,400 (£616.67 per month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)


Peri teachers are self-employed and are brought in by Avonwood, who provide a space for them to teach in. Therefore, contracts and agreements of lessons are between the peri teacher and parent/guardian and not the school. Please read the terms and conditions in the peri letter for more information – see attached.

If you would like a peri letter, please speak to you child’s class teacher who can provide a copy. Letters are also emailed out before the start of a new term.

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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